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Thursday, August 2, 2007


President: Rtn. Yulius Supriyana
Vice President: IPP.Teguh Hinanto

President Elect 2008-2009: Rtn.Eddy Lutoyo
President Elect 2009-2010: Rtn. Heryanto

Secretary: Rtn. Heryanto

Treasurer: Rtn.Arif Santoso & Rtn. Andreas Krisnandi
Back Up: PP. Paulus J. Kristianto S

Seargeant at Arms: Rtn. Irwan Suryanto

President Elect: Rtn. Eddy Lutoyo
Classification: PP.Eddy Setyo
Membership: PP.Djanuar Djunaedi S
Membership Development: PP.Eko Yulianto
Rotary Information: Immediate Past President & Past President

Club Service Director: Rtn. Eddy Lutoyo
Back Up: PP. Djoko Priyanto
Attendance: Rtn. Heryanto
Fellowship Activities: PP.Djanuar Djunaedi S & PP.Paulus J. Kristianto S
Programme: IPP & PP
Public Relation: Rtn.Samuel
Buletin: Rtn. Yulius Supriyana
Magazine: PP.Eddy Rahardjo
Fund raising: Rtn. Rtn.Yohanes Biantara, PP.Agung Suliantoro, Rtn.M.Fahrudin

Vocational Service Director: Rtn. Suhardjono & Rtn. Agung Praptapa
Back Up: PP. Andreas Rinaldy
Career Development: PP.Buntoro Kadarusman
Vocational At Work: Rtn. H. Sutanto
Vocational Awareness: Rtn. Dhani Prasetyo
Vocational Award: Rtn. Irwan Suryanto

Community Service Director: PP. Eddy Raharjo
Back up: PP. Eko Yulianto
Human Development: Rtn. Irwan Suryanto
Environmental Protection: PP. Andreas Rinaldy
Community Development: Rtn. Arif Santosa, Rtn.Samuel
Partner in Service: Rtn. Heryanto & Rtn. Fahrudin

International Service Director: Rtn. Hananto Julianto
Back Up: PP. Eddy Setio
International Youth Project: Rtn. Hananto Julianto
World Fellowship: PP. Andreas Rinaldy
The Rotary Foundation: PP.Andreas Rinaldy
World Community Service: PP. Agung Suliantoro
Matching Grant: PP. Eddy Setio.



Heryanto said...

Hidup ini adalah anugrah Tuhan yang luar biasa.Oleh karenanya harus diisi dengan penuh tanggungjawab,baik sebagai orang tua,anak,suami ataupun pimpinan organisasi.Sebagai Rotarian Satria,tanggung jawab kita apa?Yang pasti tanggungjawab kita kunjungi blog kita minimal seminggu sekali,paling baik sehari sekali.Salam Joss !!!


Nah, Rtn.Heryanto juga sudah sukses memberi komentar. mana yang lainnya lagi?

Anonymous said...

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